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Physical Education: Why It Works for Our Students

Physical Education: Why It Works for Our Students

by Darren Smith, Physical Education Teacher, Grades 4-8


This year, during PE, we are exploring physical education concepts centered around the following focus activities: net games, striking and fielding games, invasive games, individual pursuits, and low organized games. Through these varied activities, it is my hope that students will develop knowledge, understanding, and skills through responsible behavior and giving their personal best while discovering that many of the concepts taught through one activity are transferable to numerous other activities undertaken during the year.


Our Physical Education program is designed to be inclusive and valuable to all students regardless of their athletic ability. During the PE program, they will be able to achieve success while being active in a controlled and safe environment.

  • Grades 4 and 5 features an exploratory model that exposes students to the basic rules and skill techniques in order to play, improve their understanding of movement concepts, and how they apply to a variety of games.
  • Grade 6 will focus on skill and concept development through drills and modified game play.
  • Grade 7 continues to focus on skill and concept refinement through a variety of drills and an increased level of game play.
  • Grade 8 focuses on their refined skills and how concepts fit into the larger picture of offensive and defensive strategies during game play.


Success in PE is not as one dimensional as being a strong athlete. Rather, success is measured by improving basic skills, gaining a deeper understanding of how to apply those skills in a game situation all while being a responsible student who is regularly and safely engaged, on task and trying their best to improve. Students will be presented with regular opportunities to self assess their growth and become more aware of their strengths and areas for growth.


Through a varied PE program, our goals are to promote cooperation, leadership and sportsmanship, and for each student to find an activity and/or sport they wish to pursue as a lifetime activity.